World of Chig |
Ray of Light
More than any other photo, this picture of my feet and jeans sums up yesterday, the first day of Birmingham Pride. One word: quagmire. Still, those who managed to endure the mud and the rain had a good time, and it was all very well organised, it seemed to me. For me, it was hard work, working for three organisations and trying to take photos of everyone and everything, but it was fun at the same time (and to be honest I wouldn't have it any other way - I love being busy on days like this). Respect is due to rapper Q-Boy for being such a good sport and being one of those moments of fun (below) as he protested 'You're objectifying me!' Well, yes, I can't deny it, but what a nice guy he was. Thank you. Today, thankfully, the weather has improved and the Pride parade this afternoon brought Birmingham city centre to life. The Nightingale team, led by the irrepressible dance leader Andy, stole the show with their combat costumes and formation dancing. They were stunning. (Those costumes were kept secret from everyone wearing them until today - the dancers didn't know what they were wearing until they turned up for the parade.) Before I zip off back into town to do it all again, probably until 6am like last night/this morning, here's a picture of me and my favourite Serb, just after the parade hit the gay village this afternoon. There's a really good atmosphere around the gay village today. We have a very nice new bar/restaurant, the Loft Lounge, which I attended on Wednesday for a private opening party and which opened to the public on Friday and is spilling out onto Bromsgrove Street today. I also met someone there on Wednesday who has put a spring in my step for the last few days, and I keep bumping into him over this Pride weekend. (Okay, I keep tracking him down.) Something clicked between us in a way I haven't felt for months...years. He's lovely and I keep getting butterflies in my tummy when we speak. I am smitten. There's a clue in the title. Watch this space. One of the managers of the Loft Lounge has very kindly offered to feed me, 'on the house' I think, so I must go back. This isn't payola; it really is a lovely bar. · link
It's the start of Birmingham's 10th annual Pride weekend today. This year, the first day is in a park for the first time; my local, Cannon Hill Park. It's now 11:45 and it's raining. Oh great. But spare a thought for the other big Pride event this weekend; the first ever Moscow Pride. They have been beset with difficulties, opposition and threats of violence, and the event has been banned by the mayor, but is still going ahead. We've got it easy here. Despite being 'big in Russian media' (Oh how long can I milk this?) I'm sticking with the local gig (now working for THREE organisations), but our thoughts are with those in Moscow. Solidarity with our Russian brothers and sisters. Good luck. And if you manage to keep going for a few years, Dima Bilan will probably be available for the main stage... · link
Happy 50th Birthday to Eurovision!
![]() Yes, it's today! It may well be a whole year since the 50th Eurovision Song Contest, in Kyiv. We've even just had the 51st, in Athens. The EBU's official celebration of 50 years; the huge Congratulations show in Copenhagen that the BBC didn't bother to broadcast (perhaps wisely, I thought, after watching it on the web), was way back in October. Despite all that, it's today that Eurovision celebrates its 50th anniversary. It's a whole half century since Lys Assia won on Thursday 24th May 1956. I wrote all about it last year, so I won't do it again, but why not read what Lys Assia herself has to say about it? I doubt if she ever thought that 50 years later, the gentile scene above would have been transformed into this... ...but there's progress for you - and Lordi did get flowers too. Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose, as someone probably said in Switzerland that night in 1956. One thing I'm damn sure Lys Assia didn't foresee was that some concerned fan 'stroke' journalist from Birmingham would have to hurriedly set up his own union flag on the stage before the UK entrant's second press conference, because no one else had bothered, but that's what happened last Tuesday. The things one does for one's country... · link
Hail Sezer!
![]() Continuing the shirtless theme from yesterday... Oh good gracious...I've just seen sexy Sezer for the first time without his shirt on. Winner! · link
Woof, woof! There was I, thinking I was actually at the TV event of the year so far, in Athens on Saturday. Little did I know it happened last Tuesday on This Morning! Phil'n'Fearne really shouldn't be allowed to have something like this on during the daytime. At least not without a fair bit of advance notice so that we can set our videos. Ahh, Ben, Ben, Ben. (Sigh) ![]() ![]() View more of the pictures (in bigger versions) here on Famous Males or on texkenobi's flickr page. The serious bit: Ben Cohen and Jason Cundy were on the sofas to raise awareness of testicular and prostate cancer via the Orchid Cancer Appeal. Jason is a professional footballer who has survived testicular cancer himself. · link
Who stole the Summer?
God, it's depressing enough leaving Athens, but I come back to this? Yesterday, Sunday, it hit 95 degrees in Athens, and three of us were up at the Acropolis and out drinking late outside the EuroCafé. I knew it had been cold here, but as I got off the plane tonight at Birmingham airport, I could see my breath and it was raining. Jeez. So, that was Eurovision, and I am thrilled with the result, and the show. My bank account is very pleased with the Finnish win and the Bosnian third place too. Now, bring on Big Brother (I think I fancy at least three of them already - am I wrong?), Birmingham Pride and the World Cup! It's going to be a busy few months! (Birmingham Pride is this weekend and I am doing photography for two different organisations. Should be interesting.) But the Eurovision fix hasn't ended. More photos and stuff to come this week. In the meantime... Why not see what Lordi really look like? Mr Lordi here and other band members here. (The latter are surprisingly pretty boys, je crois.) Or read some stats about the Eurovision results here? Or listen to the second (and final) Athens podcast that I've contributed to on Thoroughly-Good? It's podcast 23. You can download it as an MP3 or listen to it live. I haven't heard it yet, but my bed beckons...and at least I have my Dima Bilan pillow... · link
Tonight's show
Don't miss the start of tonight's Eurovision final. Mike and I were in the dress rehearsal last night and were jaw-droppingly stunned by what happens above our heads. I'll say no more, but we watched the second dress rehersal from the middle of the fifth row of the stalls, which was as perfect as perfect could be. I was able to take amazing photos, and get all that out of my system, so that tonight I can put the camera down, relax and enjoy myself. Mike and I are sitting in different parts of the auditorium tonight. Mike's in row 6, seat one, which is the right hand end as you look at the stage. I'm in row 21 and I'll have a big union flag and a teeny-weeny Bosnian one. If I can mug a Croatian on the way in, I'll have one of theirs too. Neither of us has any idea who we'll be sitting with, which all adds to the excitement. My sister and Tom are up on the balcony, but near the front of it. It's very high up, but they'll have a great view of the crowd, the screens and the stage, so that's great too. I'm still predicting a win for Bosnia-Herzegovina, in line with the each way bet I placed on 1st April, despite it being drawn in position thirteen, after the break when people are still in the toilet. I've also done each way bets on Finland and Germany. Of those two, I really want Lordi to win as I find the German song a bit dull. Finnish trivia, which may have to be re-written tonight: Finland have only received twelve points three times. They have NEVER finished higher than the UK. Enjoy the show! (Despite the terrible hosts.) · link
The serviettes of death - the results
Way too busy yesterday (Friday), but here are the results of our prediction competition. We had an astonishing 18 Brits and Irish people turn up to the Fame restaurant in Iraklion (which surprised the restaurant) and it was yours truly who ended up being guardian of the entries and the 36 Euros that we collected as prize money. In the end, all the money has gone to one person, Julie W, who was the only person to predict nine of the ten qualifiers. I've already paid up. Well done Julie! Here are the full results from our posse: 5 correct: Kyeth W. (Hadn't seen the rehearsals, Kyeth, had you?!) 6 correct: Jill P 7 correct: Andrew M, Anthony S, Chig, Dave B, Dermot, John S, Mike, Nick, Paul C and Roy. 8 correct: Andrew W, Keith M, Phil C, Ryan, Spencer. (Well done to all five, but especially Ryan there, as the other four all work on, or own, Eurovision websites, whereas Ryan doesn't.) 9 correct: Julie W. Predicted Estonia and not Armenia, but all nine others went through. Until next year in Helsinki/Hamburg/Sarajevo... · link
Only missed three of the qualifiers for the final. More on this later, but Daz Sampson is on soon. Must dash next door into the hall and see what reaction he gets from the crowd. Will then stay for Greece and Finland. What a run of three that's going to be, and with Lithuania before them as well... · link
Nipples, fireworks and the serviettes of death
We're off in a few minutes, for what is now the third annual UK and Irish media boys' pre-qualifier prediction meal. Phew! What a mouthful. This is where we write down, sometimes on our napkins (hence the 'Serviettes of Death' name) our predicted ten countries to get through from tonight into the final. So, even though I made a prediction in the Thoroughly Good podcast on Tuesday, here are my ten as of now. Earlier this afternoon, Mike and I were in the sixth row for the final dress rehearsal for tonight's show. Let me tell you one thing. YOU MUST WATCH LORDI!I had a 'Eurovision moment' near the end of their song for Finland. The sixth row was FAR TOO NEAR the flames - we copuld actually feel the heat. It is pyrotechnic overkill and absolutely bloody brilliant! It made me shudder in a goosepimpley way, and I wrote the word AWESOME in big letters in my notebook. That's how good they are. Top totty in tonight's show: Monaco's dancer, Thierry. He's the Caucasian one of the two. Nipples ahoy! I've spoken to him. He oozes sex. Actually, he looks really camped up on stage (as he's wearing a sarong and a lot of make-up, but in real life...phwoar! Bloody gorgeous. We also have UK-based dancers (two of whom I'd met before, back at home) dancing for Turkey. One of them is Glenn Ball who used to be in Pop!, the pop group. Yes, the one I saw in Selfridges recently. Glenn, Scot and (possibly) Jamesd are all Brits, and Arthur is London-based, born in Armenia and raised in Belgium. They're all nice guys, with a few interesting tattoos and a lotn of big muscles between them. All four of them are fit as hell and dance superbly. I'll be thrilled if they get through, but the song may not be strong enough, so enjoy them tonight in case they're not in Saturday's show. My friend Stephen has not only started a blog this week, but also predicted his ten. They're from listening to the CD though and don't take into account things like Monaco's poor singing and my general lack of interest in Portuguese girlgroups. However, see Stephen's list here. So, here we go. Remember, I correctly predicted only six last year, after eight in 2004, so who knows how this will go. There are 'head vs. heart' issues with some of them as well, but I think the ten will be... None of the first seven songs. (Stick with it; the show gets better later.) Roughly in order of certainty: Bosnia-Herzegovina Finland FYR Macedonia Estonia Sweden Iceland Russia Poland Lithuania Ireland Yes, Ireland. Who'd have thought? Next would come Cyprus and Ukraine. Netherland and Portugal have no chance whatsoever. All the rest is up for grabs. Have fun if you're watching, and could someone please record Big Brother's opening night for me? Ta. · link
Big cock
One of the joys of my new camera is discovering what it can do, and it's mightily impressive. (I'm going to skip over the tears that were shed yesterday when Mike's laptop swallowed my first 230 pictures, possibly never to be seen again, as I've deleted them off the camera, because it's too upsetting.) Anyway, we had a day off rehearsals yesterday, so I went trolling around Athens, taking photos, and I've taken pictures of a very big cock indeed. There I was, wandering around the National Garden of Athens, when I saw it. Actually, I heard it first. There is a mini zoo in the middle of the park, which I stumbled across. There, amongst the hens and geese, was a huge cock, crowing away. Honestly, your mind is just filthy! There were also peacocks, rabbits, goats and an ostrich. Or was it an emu? I'm never quite sure. Whatever it was, it was demented. I'm particularly pleased with the photo of the goats shagging which I will probably be able to sell to a 'specialist' website. If I can ever get my photos downloaded onto someone's laptop which isn't going to crash and eat them, you may see more of them someday. As it stands, it's impossible, because they won't let us put CD-burning software onto these PCs here in the media centre. Pah! · link
Read Mike!
Mike, of Troubled Diva fame, with whom I am sharing a lovely apartment, is here doing proper work, with deadlines and stuff. His first report for is online now, for your reading pleasure. Please bear in mind that it's written for an American audience and therefore the slant is rather different from the stuff I write, where I can presume that the Gay Times readership will at least have heard of Eurovision! (Mike is also in those Daz Sampson pics on ESC Today that I've linked to below. It's not all work, work, work, you know.) · link
Look at Chig!
ESC Today is showing a great selection of the photos from Daz Sampson's photoshoot, which we were all involved in on Tuesday. I love the one of me giving Mandy a piggy back. So if you want to see grown men (including me) and women dressed in school uniforms (and I know some of you enjoy that kind of thing), check out ESC Today's twelve pictures, starting here. · link
Listen to Chig!
Our first Eurovision podcast is now available for your listening pleasure. Listen to it or download it here from Thoroughly Good. Thanks Jon. I've just listened to it and, modesty aside, even *I* found it entertaining - and it was me being interviewed! Shocker. The sound quality is MUCH better than last year's (which are also still available). Jon has also done other Eurovision podcasts recently, including an interview with 'our' lovely 2004 entrant James Fox. Why not go and have a listen? · link
More media appearances
I've recorded an interview for Thoroughly Good, in which I have foolishly predicted which ten countries I think will get through from Thursday's qualifier into Saturday's final. And those ten countries are... be revealed when the programme is edited and you can download it from Thoroughly Good. You should be able to listen to it in the next couple of days. We've had TV cameras poked in our faces more than ever this year. The conversation generally goes something like this: "Hello, where are you from?" "England, the UK." (I never know how to answer that question in a Eurovision context.) "Mmm yes. And which song is your favourite?" Croatia "Mmm yes, thank you. Can you sing?" Sing what? "Sing your favourite" No, it's in Croatian. "Mmm yes. What is your song?" The UK's song? "Mmm yes." "Teenage Life" "Can you sing just leetle bit?" "No, it's a rap." Despite my unhelpful attitude, I'm told that one such interview with me was indeed shown on Greek TV this morning. That must have scared a few Greeks over their cornflakes. Still, wait until they see the school uniform photoshoot that we did today... · link
Random mutterings from Greece
I'm not quite sure why, but I'm not sleeping very much out here in Athens. After getting to bed at something like 3.30 this morning, I found myself wide awake at 7.50am, wondering why. I couldn't sleep after that, even though the first rehearsal today was only starting at 11.00. So, I lay in bed and deleted some of the rubbish pictures from my camera. I only got through the first 600; I appear to have taken about 1,500 so far! You would hardly believe it's possible, but it's true! I even had time to wash some clothes, so I will have clean underwear for later in the week. Just in case you were concerned about that. Yesterday evening was hectic, and a little fraught with anxiety at times, mainly due to useless taxi drivers, who don't appear to know their own city, or much English. (I know, I know, why do we always expect other people to know English? But taxi drivers, in a modern European capital...come on.) The UK's first rehearsal was on quite late yesterday, and then we had to wait for Daz's conference, as I wanted to ask a question (which I did). We then had to dash off back to the apartment and swap my beachwear (yes, it's that hot during the day) for clothes more befitting of a reception with the mayor. We needn't have bothered though, because the delay in Daz's rehearsal, coupled with a taxi driver who 'didn't know' how to drive to one of the most conspicuous buildings in Athens, made us an hour late, so we didn't see the mayor anyway. Then it turned out not to be a posh do at all, but a live TV show in which we were just the audience. It had its moments and I enjoyed the whole spectacle, but give me the sumptuous reception that we had in Istanbul any day over that. The food was rubbish too (and mostly gone by the time we arrived). All I had last night was cheese sandwiches and chooclate éclairs, washed down with white wine, Amstel beer (heavily sponsoring the whole thing) and a few vodka and cokes later. I really should have been more drunk than I was. I'm doing a radio interview /podcast later for Thoroughly Good, so must dash, but I'll keep popping back when I have chance. This afternoon, we also have the BBC photocall for those of us who have brought school uniforms out here. I have made a half-hearted attempt, with a shirt and tie, but couldn't get a cap. Others have made MUCH more effort! Read a full report of Daz's superb rehearsal and entertaining media conference yesterday on ESCtoday here. It was me who asked the question about betting! · link
Chig: Big In Russia
I am absolutely amazed at the news that Andy from has left in my comments boxes. (Thank you Andy!) It seems the word of Chig has been spreading across Russian printed media, on the subject of their singer, Dima Bilan. Andy lives in Kazakhstan, and his website is a very reliable source for Eurovision news from all of the former Soviet countries. We have spoken in person a few times, as Andy has attended Eurovision once (in Istanbul, I think?) He wrote this yesterday: Hi, Chig! Hope you will have good time in Athens. Just wanted to let you know one interesting fact. Eurovision review of Gay Times is heavily reprinted in Russian media with notification that Bilan is considered one of the favourites there. Not sure whether you are connected with that review, but may be interesting for you. I wasn't just connected with the review - I wrote the whole page! I had a look last night at the May issue of Gay Times, to remind myself what I wrote about Dima Bilan, and it wasn't very much. But Andy has explained this today, as the Russian media have also reported some of my other comments. Andy again: Great, that I can do some translation and you can compare with what you wrote: Wow! I'm amazed! Imagine how many Russian people are reading all those publications and websites! And how rude of them to call Hari 'old and not goodlooking'! I saw Dima's rehearsal earlier today and it was good, but sadly he hasn't taken my advice and is keeping his kit on throughout. I also saw his press conference from very near the front and then saw him outside and took some good photos of him. Hilariously, I also caught one of his printed cushions, which he threw into the audience at the conference, so I can sleep next to his face if I so desire. 'Rahmet' and 'spasibo' to Andy for telling me that news. It has made my day! · link
Hands up if you're this year's contribution to pouffy dancing!
Albanian rehearsal
Eyes and cheekbones to die for.
Belarussian hotpants
Happy with this one, Glen?
Albanian conference
Andorra's Jenny in rehearsal.
Andre of Armenia.
Eric asks a question.
Hello from Hellas!
Kalispera! We're in! Access to PCs an' all! So, thankfully, last year's trauma of five days without a PC won't be repeated. Weather is hot. Venue is enormous. Our apartment is fantastic. The flights here were great. My main challenge today is to fully understand the functions of my new camera and use them. I've taken some photos already, just by pointing and shooting, but must get to grips with it quickly. In the meantime, if you want to see some faulous pictures from rehearsals already, taken by my friend Andrew, with whom I shared a flat in Kyiv last year, check out the All Kinds of Everything LiveJournal photoblog. · link
Just in case you've forgotten...
Where am I going today? That's right! See y'all soon! Don't go away! Probably back on here on Sunday. Athens, here I come! · link
Why we're all off to Athens...
Tonight's Retro Bar results (and Edinburgh's)
The votes are in. Our intrepid reporters Luca and Mike have verified the results, and we can report that the winners of tonight's London Retro Bar 'Douze Points' video vote are: Germany and their middle of the road Radio 2 country effort. Yawn. Bloody queens. They can't be trusted. As if to prove the point, the idiots have voted a Christian homophobe into second place. Turkeys and Christmas, anybody? WAKE UP YOU FOOLS! SHE HATES YOU! Full results then, in descending order: 1st Germany 2nd Sweden 3rd Greece 4th Slovenia 5th Iceland 6th Belgium 7th Romania 8th United Kingdom 9th Russia 10th Finland 11th Malta 12th Estonia 13th Denmark 14th Bosnia-Herzegovina (which will win the real thing) 15th Spain =16th Norway & Croatia 18th Monaco 19th France 20th Switzerland =21st Poland & Latvia 23rd Moldova 24th Israel Let's compare these with the results from the Edinburgh chapter of Eurovision fans, who held a vote on the very same videos last Friday night (in someone's house): 1st Sweden (I despair.) 2nd Slovenia 3rd Iceland 4th Romania 5th Belgium 6th Greece 7th Monaco 8th Ukraine 9th Finland 10th Malta Despite both groups being predominantly gay men, with some heterosexuals thrown in, one result is startlingly different. The Scots have very sensibly ignored Germany altogether! Kate Ryan's gay vote is slipping, and it's pleasing to see Finland's monster rockers Lordi being universally appreciated, including by my Mum, who said she likes their song. Rock on mother! She has gone for Malta as this year's winner, based solely on the CD and no videos, as has my Irish friend Dermot. I feel another each way bet coming on... · link
And they're off!
Eurovision rehearsals started this morning in Athens, with débutants Armenia kicking things off. The stage sounds fabulous, as it is based on an ancient Greek amphitheatre, with rising and falling 'steps' around the edges. Our correspondent Roy D. Hacksaw reports that Belgium's Kate Ryan is not exactly ugly but has an overcomplicated dance routine. No great surprise there. He also reports back favourably on Belarus and Bulgaria's rehearsals. Another advance party reports that it is HOT in Athens. Hurrah! That's all the news I needed to hear. This has helped me decide what to pack for tomorrow... Talking of hot, here's a reminder of why we're off to Greece. This is one of the dancers from Helena's winning performance last year, at the after-show party, shortly after Chig joined the Ukrainian boy scouts... · link
Microsoft Outlook 3, Chig 0
I give in. Last night (Monday), I wrote a 'thank you' e-mail to everyone who I'd invited to my birthday party; not just those who came, but everyone, including those who sent presents and/or cards, but couldn't attend the party. I sent it off in the early hours of today (at 00:44, to be precise). Today, it seems that no one has received the e-mail. I know this partly because I sent it to myself at work and it wasn't in my inbox this morning, and I asked a few of my friends. So, tonight, I have tried to send it again. It was sitting there in my 'sent items', looking very much like a sent item from last night, so why has it not been delivered anywhere? I sent it again tonight, including to my 'other' e-mail address and it still hasn't been delivered. Sure, my McAfee software does make a message pop up, saying, 'You are sending this message to 107 recipients', but I've clicked 'continue what I was doing' to make it go. Then I'm getting a 'protocol error' message, whatever that is, but it only seems to relate to one person's e-mail address. I've tried it twice tonight, and the e-mail goes to 'sent items', but it hasn't been delivered to me, so I wonder if anyone else has received it. If Microsoft think I am going to sit and send the e-mail to 107 people, one at a time, they are very much mistaken. I don't have all week. Sometimes I hate technology. So, after three failed attempts to send a simple e-mail, I give up. This comes after previous messages, which were all fine and dandy when they left me, were delivered to some people as gobbledegook (but not all people). What the hell is wrong? I'll just have to hope that the people I'm trying to reach are reading this. This was never intended for the blog, but I am at the end of my tether now, so here is the e-mail I've been trying to send you all: Dear friends, · link
Thank you
I have been completely overwhelmed by cards and presents from my birthday party last night, which I had to give up opening at the party itself as the trickle of guests arriving became a flood. I have only finished opening them tonight, and I'd like to say a huge thank you for all of them. I'll try to get around to individual thank yous in the next few days, but there is the small problem that I don't know who some of them are from as they were all put into a pile in the pub, then into my car today and into my house later. It's obvious with most of them, but I apologise now if I get it wrong when I come back to you! In the meantime, thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who came to my party. I had a great time - I hope you did too. Thanks to the Patrick Kavanagh bar, DJ Martin and the Milan Sweet Centre for providing the venue, music and food respectively, all of which were ideal and fantastic. Thanks also to everyone who has sent cards, texts, e-mails and phone calls. Most of all, thank you to my amazing sister for providing the entertainment last night, singing five of my favourite Eurovision songs, and making one 40 year-old brother very proud. I'm a very lucky Special thanks to Jonathan from Over Your Head for this photo too! (There were other people at the party, but this was taken at the beginning!) · link
New Kid on the Blog
In other news... My friend Simon has started a blog: Simon in the City. Hurrah! Another blog for Brum. Welcome to the blogosphere, matey. Here's an 'arty' (or is it just blurred?) picture of me and Simon from 2002, just to prove that he is not the England cricketer who shares his name, although he is just as good-looking. (He's not this one either.) · link
Absolutely Fabulous!
00:30 I couldn't resist opening one little package before bed, and what a fabulous card (literally) and present I have found within! ![]() As Mark says on the wrapping of his present, it is almost from 1966, as it's a cassette of a France Gall album, which includes her 1965 Eurovision winner for Luxembourg, Poupée de Cire, Poupée de Son. That just happens to be one of my top ten Eurovision songs ever. A wonderful present. Thank you Mark! · link
40 in 0 days: 2006
00:01 And that momentous event of 40 years ago today has been mentioned on the radio already! But enough of Myra Hindley and Ian Brady's sentencing, it's my fortieth friggin' birthday! I know, this has probably come as a surprise. I mean, I've hardly mentioned it, but it is. Feel free to leave birthday greetings and any offers of money in the comments box. Mwah! · link
40 in 1 day: 2005
One day until I'm 40 and what a day it's been, after staying awake(ish) until goodness knows what time, watching the local election results in bed. I wasn't bothered about being up late, as the weather today was supposed to be awful: thunderstorms. But what do you know? The weather people were completely wrong AGAIN and it's been a glorious day here in Brum. The local mood is great too, as Salma Yaqoob won our council seat for Respect, shoving out a useless Labour duffer who was restanding. Last time round it was a Lib Dem here who won one of our 'safe' Labour seat, this time round it's Respect. We really are very good at tactical voting round here; voting for the best candidate. Don't worry, I haven't suddenly become a big fan of George Galloway, but Salma Yaqoob is a superb candidate and will be a great councillor, as anyone who's seen one of her many TV appearances will know. She nearly became our MP last year, reducing a massive Labour majority to a marginal, so it's no surprise that she has become our councillor. And it means I have a clear concience as I voted Green yesterday. I really wanted two votes as I wanted Salma to win, but to vote Green and that's exactly what happened. The Greens came fifth of six in our ward, but nearly beat the Tory into fourth place, and the BNP vote here was possibly the lowest in Brum (where they stood in all seats). I'm proud of Balsall Heath and Sparkbrook today! Here are some photos of last year. At 10:40am tomorrow, I will be forty. At 10.40pm tomorrow, I will hopefully be very drunk, at my own birthday party. Until then... Sunday in the beer garden of a very nice Bristol pub, the day after Bristol Pride. This is an early picture. We were there all day. What a weekend that was! Another one for the Athena collection. I've never actually seen Clare's face, as it always has a glass or a bottle attached like this. See you two tomorrow! · link
40 in 2 days: 2004
Photos have been added for 2002 and 2003, so feel free to scroll down. Pics from 2004 will be here tonight. 19:50 Just got in after visiting friends who can't come to my party on Saturday, for a bit of present collecting. (Thank you, B and K.) The cards started arriving in the post two days ago, which is nice, and there's an interestingly shaped parcel today too. I've been very good and haven't opened anything yet. Today was my last day at work until Tuesday, so guess what my colleagues gave me for my 40th birthday? Go on, guess! (Pause, while you guess.) The answer? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. They couldn't even be bothered, between the six of them who were in today, to pass a communal card 'secretly' around the office. Do you wonder why I hate going to work? · link
Oooh! It's a woman!
Isn't it amazing how the interview process in The Apprentice tonight changed our perceptions of the candidates? Before tonight's programme, I thought that Paul and Ruth would be the two to get through, but Paul came across so badly to the interviewers that we're left with Ruth and Michelle instead. Previously, I would have said Ruth was a clear winner out of those four, but Tim who won last year was a malleable character, so Sir Alan Sugar may go again for someone he can mould and pick Michelle instead. I'd hardly noticed her until we got down to the last five or six. · link
Another reason why tomorrow is special...
If we can be bothered to stay up tonight, until just over an hour past midnight, we can witness a spectacular numerical milestone, where the time and date will be: 01:02:03 on 04/05/06 Marvellous. I'm expecting a full analysis of the frequency of these events from Diamond Geezer tomorrow. He's mentioned it already... · link
Election warning
![]() PS. Those of you not eligible to vote tomorrow in the 36 English metropolitan authorities, 88 district councils, 32 London boroughs, 4 mayoral elections and one mayoral referendum are excused, without needing a note. Aren't I kind? · link
40 in 3 days: 2003
But first, two images from Monday: our day at the races and the family meal in the evening. Look what someone else has done with a photo of me! ![]() ![]() And now for some photos from 2003: I'm not sure which is the scarier, Abs' sweat or my contact lenses. I wonder what he's doing now? Triple8 reveal their sixth member. I wonder what the other five are doing now? If nothing else, this whole 'rod for my own back' photo project has been worth it tonight, because I've found this photo, and three more like it. When Patrick died last October, I couldn't find any pictures of us two together. Finding this by chance tonight has made me happy and sad at the same time. · link
40 in 4 days: 2002
And if I may offer some advice: never, ever organise your own party. It takes over your life. UPDATE: Wed 03/05/06. Better late than never, here are some photos from 2002: Backstage at Birmingham's Nightingale after Jessica's PA. Yes, it really was called 'That Gay Show' and, because it was on BBC Choice, I only ever saw this episode, which was filmed in Birmingham. We knew that if we hung around the bar in Equator for long enough we'd probably get on camera, and sure enough... At the Nightingale again, just after the lovely Rob Conn (centre) won the Mr Gay UK national final that night. Colin and Justin were judges, and we chatted later about the programme they were making at that time, The Million Pound Property Experiment, which seemed to take aeons after that evening to get on air. · link
Wrong on so many levels.
Moving Out Today?
According to the Labour election broadcast that I've just watched on TV, 'Britain Is Moving'. Could someone tell me when? I'll need to pack. · link
40 in 5 days: 2001
A Day At The Races/A Night At The
It's May - let the birthday celebrations begin (early)! We're off to Warwick races today, which was actually the second place I ever earned any money. My Dad has had a part-time job there on racedays for as long as I can remember - more than 35 years - and he still has. I worked there once when I was about eleven or twelve and earnt £5 as a runner. My job was to stand underneath the crane which filmed the race from beyond the finish line and catch the film canister when the photographer threw it down. I then had to run like hell around the course to the stewards' office, in case they needed to look at the photos to adjudicate on any disputed races. Well, it beat my other one-day childhood job, which was washing the meat trays in my uncle's butcher's shop. Actually, it was outside in the back alley and it was cold and revolting. It's no wonder I became a vegetarian! Today, my Dad has aquired freebie tickets for another three of us, so we'll be taking in the racing before going for a family meal (including the aforementioned butcher uncle) in a Warwickshire village in the evening. Despite the weather on May Bank Holiday usually being pretty good, the forecast today is for rain in Warwick, so we might just have to watch the racing from the bar! Back tomorrow, with a day off work. Off work on Friday too, to prepare for my party (and birthday). Next Friday (12th) I'm off to Athens for Eurovision. All of which means that, with ten days in Greece and the late May Bank Holiday to come (which is also Birmingham Pride weekend), there are now FIVE consecutive weeks where I'm not working a full five day week (until w/c 5th June). Hoo-bloody-ray! I love May, I do. · link
Eurovision 2011 Düsseldorf, Germany 10th, 12th, 14th May Eurovision 2008 Semi-Final 1 – Tue 20 May 01 Montenegro - Zauvijek volim te – Stefan Filipović 02 Israel – The Fire In Your Eyes (Ke’ilo Kan) – Bo'az Ma'uda 03 Estonia – Leto Svet – Kreisiraadio 04 Moldova – A Century Of Love – Geta Burlacu 05 San Marino - Complice - Miodio 06 Belgium - O Julissi - Ishtar 07 Azerbaijan – Day After Day – Elnur Hüseynov & Samir Javadzadeh 08 Slovenia – Vrag Naj Vzame – Rebeka Dremelj 09 Norway – Hold On, Be Strong – Maria Haukaas Storeng 10 Poland – For Life – Isis Gee 11 Ireland – Irelande, Douze Pointe – Dustin The Turkey 12 Andorra – Casanova – Gisela 13 Bosnia-Herzegovina – Pokušaj – Laka 14 Armenia – Qele Qele – Sirusho 15 Netherlands – Your Heart Belongs To Me – Hind 16 Finland - Missä miehet ratsastaa – Teräsbetoni 17 Romania – Pe-o Margine de Lume – Nico & Vlad Mirita 18 Russia - Dima Bilan - Believe 19 Greece – Secret Combination – Kalomira Semi-Final 2 – Thu 22 May 01 Iceland – This Is My Life – Eurobandið 02 Sweden - Hero - Charlotte Perrelli 03 Turkey – Deli – Mor ve Ötesi 04 Ukraine – Shady Lady – Ani Lorak 05 Lithuania – Nomads In The Night – Jeronimas Milius 06 Albania – Zemrën e lamë peng – Olta Boka 07 Switzerland – Era Stupendo – Paolo Meneguzzi 08 Czech Republic – Have Some Fun – Tereza Kerndlová 09 Belarus – Hasta La Vista – Ruslan Alekhno 10 Latvia – Wolves Of The Sea – Pirates Of The Sea 11 Croatia – Romanca – Kraljevi Ulice & 75 Cents 12 Bulgaria – DJ, Take Me Away – Deep Zone & Balthazar 13 Denmark – All Night Long – Simon Mathew 14 Georgia – Peace Will Come – Diana Gurtskaya 15 Hungary – Candlelight – Csézy 16 Malta – Vodka - Morena 17 Cyprus – Femme Fatale – Evdokia Kadi 18 FYR Macedonia – Let Me Love You – Tamara, Vrčak & Adrian 19 Portugal - Senhora do Mar (Negras Águas) - Vânia Fernandes Final – Sat 24 May 02 United Kingdom – Even If – Andy Abraham 04 Germany – Disappear – No Angels 19 France – Divine – Sébastien Tellier 22 Spain - Baila el Chiki Chiki - Rodolfo Chikilicuatre 23 Serbia - Oro - Jelena Tomašević ft. Bora Dugić
Chig's Gigs & stuff 2007-2008
Coming Up: 11/12 Steel City Tour: ABC, Heaven 17, The Human League - Wolves Civic Gone Down: 21/01 Sing Live! - B'ham Symphony Hall 05/02 Mika - Berkeley Square, London 13/02 Shayne Ward - Nott'm Arena 21/02 X Factor - Nott'm Arena 04/05 Scooch-Nightingale, B'ham 12/05 Hosting Eurovision night @ The Nightingale 17/05 Jason Donovan-Nott'm Royal Concert Hall 25/05 Pet Shop Boys - Wolves Civic 26/05 Liberty X - Nightingale, B'ham 27/05 Scooch & Björn Again - B'ham Pride 16/06 Muse, The Streets, Dirty Pretty Things, Rodrigo y Gabriela & Zane Lowe - Wembley Stadium 28/06 Brotherhood of Man & Buck's Fizz - Nott'm Royal Concert Hall 14/07 Sing Live! - Summer in the '60s & '70s - Royal Leamington Spa Centre 14/09 Rise - Leek Wootton Village Hall 16/09 Erasure & Onetwo - Wolves Civic 17/09 The Twang & The Priory - B'ham Carling Academy 2 (private gig - Janice Long's Radio2 show) 20/09 Turisas & Abgott - B'ham Carling Academy 2 27/09 McFly - Wolves Civic 10/11 Buck's Fizz & Futureproof (The X Factor), Nightingale, B'ham 17/11 Vengaboys & Andy Williams (The X Factor) - Nightingale, B'ham 01/12 The Human League plays Dare! - Hammersmith Apollo 10/03 Gary Numan Replicas Tour & Daggers - Wolves Wulfrun 18/03 Russell Howard, Alexandra, Brum 20+22+24/05 Eurovision Song Contest, Beograd, Srbija 10/06 Eurobeat-Almost Eurovision, B'ham Hippodrome 12/06 Yazoo - Wolves Civic 14/06-16/06 Bingham Cup, DCU, Dublin 24/06 Westlife & Hope - Nottingham Arena 07/07 Duran Duran & The Duke Spirit - NIA, B'ham 01/08 kd lang - Symphony Hall, B'ham ![]() Who is Chig? Contact me: chig at cmdh dot freeserve dot co dot uk My Wish List Front page Archive RSS feed
Chig is Nicki French's official stalker...but she doesn't seem to mind.
Chig's life can sometimes be a right pain in the balls...
Chig watches...
Dogtown, The Amazing Mrs Pritchard, Robin Hood, The X Factor, Spooks, Extras, Mock The Week, Popworld, Ideal, Deal Or No Deal, Eggheads, Hollyoaks, Never Mind The Full Stops, Doctor Who series 2 repeats on BBC3, The Bill, Match Of The Day, Ant'n'Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway. Chig has failed at two attempts to watch the whole series of Invasion, so if you have it on DVD... Chig still fancies Jesse Metcalfe... ![]() ...and Brandon Flowers, Roman Sebrle, Jonas Armstrong, Matthew Fox, Stefan Booth, Stuart Manning, Gary Lucy...
49= 49= 48 46= 46= 45 44 43 40= 40= 40= 39 38 37 36 35 33= 33= 31= 31= 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Where I live:
Birmingham: It's Not Shit icBirmingham BBC Birmingham The Nightingale Club DV8
Flickr gaytimes Popjustice The Official Charts Co. Launch (UK charts) British Hit Singles Aston Villa FC GFSN Eurovision 2006 Eurovision 2005 in Kyiv Popjustice Eurovision Friends Reunited Mr Gay UK
Eurovision 2007:
Official EBU Eurovision Helsinki 2007 Official DotEurovision (News) ESC Today (News) Eurovision Songs OGAE Malta Norway: Melodi Grand Prix AsianMissionToEurovision(Blog) Eurovision 2007 acts: Qualifier: Albania: Aida & Frederik Ndoci Andorra: Anonymous Austria: Eric Papilaya Belarus: Dima Koldun Belgium: The KMGs Bulgaria: Elitsa Todorova & Stoyan Yankulov Croatia: Dragonfly ft. Dado Topić Czech Republic: Kabát Cyprus: Evridiki Denmark: DQ Estonia: Gerli Padar Georgia: Sopho Khalvashi Hungary: Magdi Rúzsa Iceland: Eiríkur Hauksson Israel: Teapacks Latvia: FYR Macedonia: Karolina Gočeva Malta: Olivia Lewis Moldova: Natalia Barbu Montenegro: Stevan Faddy Netherlands: Edsilia Rombley Norway: Guri Schanke Poland: The Jet Set Portugal: Sabrina Serbia: Marija Šerifović Slovenia: Alenka Gotar Switzerland: DJ Bobo Turkey: Kenan Doğulu Final: Armenia: Hayko Bosnia-Herzegovina: Marija Šestić Finland: Hanna Pakarinen France: Les Fatals Picards Germany: Roger Cicero Greece: Sarbel Ireland: Dervish Lithuania: 4Fun Romania: Todomondo Russia: Serebro Spain: NASH Sweden: The Ark Ukraine: Verka Serduchka UK MYMU entrants Big Brovaz Brian Harvey Cyndi Hawkins & Brown Liz McClarnon Scooch(!)
Prata Vetra (Brainstorm) Marc Almond Pet Shop Boys Scissor Sisters
Family history:
Chig is directly descended from the following families. If you have one of these surnames, we're possibly related, so feel free to get in touch: Crowe, Harborne/Harbourne, Higgins, Hutchins, O'Sullivan/Sullivan, Talliss/Tallis.
Above: My Gran with her Gran. Snitterfield, Warwickshire, c.1930.
Shameless exhibitionism:
Chig's January 1999 Gay Times article, behind the scenes filming 'Queer As Folk'
People we know:
After The Boyf B-Boy Blues Bitful Daren & Justin David Belbin Glenn Ball I'm Hip To You Loobynet Melodimen Over Your Head Poplicious Quarter Hours Reluctant Nomad Schlagerboys Simon & The City Thoughts From Fish Island Troubled Diva
Other people we like:
AceDiscoVery Come Into My World Club Contact Following Adam Diamond Geezer My Ace Life Naked Blog TheSnowInTheSummerOrSo-So Welshcake Zbornak
February 2009 January 2009 December 2008 November 2008 October 2008 September 2008 August 2008 July 2008 June 2008 May 2008 April 2008 March 2008 February 2008 January 2008 December 2007 November 2007 October 2007 September 2007 August 2007 July 2007 June 2007 May 2007 April 2007 March 2007 February 2007 January 2007 December 2006 November 2006 October 2006 September 2006 August 2006 July 2006 June 2006 May 2006 April 2006 March 2006 February 2006 January 2006 December 2005 November 2005 October 2005 September 2005 August 2005 July 2005 June 2005 May 2005 April 2005 March 2005 February 2005 January 2005 December 2004 November 2004 October 2004 September 2004 August 2004 July 2004 June 2004 May 2004 April 2004 March 2004 February 2004 December 2003 September 2003 August 2003 July 2003 June 2003 May 2003 April 2003 March 2003 February 2003 January 2003 December 2002 November 2002 October 2002 September 2002 August 2002 July 2002 June 2002 May 2002 April 2002 March 2002 February 2002 January 2002 November 2001 |