World of Chig   

Who stole the Summer?

God, it's depressing enough leaving Athens, but I come back to this?
Yesterday, Sunday, it hit 95 degrees in Athens, and three of us were up at the Acropolis and out drinking late outside the EuroCafé. I knew it had been cold here, but as I got off the plane tonight at Birmingham airport, I could see my breath and it was raining. Jeez.

So, that was Eurovision, and I am thrilled with the result, and the show. My bank account is very pleased with the Finnish win and the Bosnian third place too. Now, bring on Big Brother (I think I fancy at least three of them already - am I wrong?), Birmingham Pride and the World Cup! It's going to be a busy few months! (Birmingham Pride is this weekend and I am doing photography for two different organisations. Should be interesting.)

But the Eurovision fix hasn't ended. More photos and stuff to come this week.

In the meantime...

Why not see what Lordi really look like? Mr Lordi here and other band members here. (The latter are surprisingly pretty boys, je crois.)

Or read some stats about the Eurovision results here?

Or listen to the second (and final) Athens podcast that I've contributed to on Thoroughly-Good? It's podcast 23. You can download it as an MP3 or listen to it live. I haven't heard it yet, but my bed beckons...and at least I have my Dima Bilan pillow...

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