World of Chig   

Welsh winner

No, not another one in the Olympics, but in the final of Mr Gay UK last night. Congratulations to 20 year-old Dino Fabian Gamecho, representing Pulse Café Bar in Cardiff, shown below after winning the title last night in Manchester, at the start of Manchester Pride weekend.

There's been at least one winner from a Scottish venue in the sixteen year history of Mr Gay UK in this format, but I believe all the others have been from England and Dino is the first Welsh representative to be Mr Gay UK. It's all timed rather nicely for Cardiff Pride in two weeks' time. We will be there.

In the meantime, Dino might want to think about changing his MySpace profile name if he's going to try getting on with people. I don't think 'F*ck RIGHT off!' (without the asterisk) is the most welcoming of names. Young people, honestly.

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