World of Chig   

The other Reading festival

It's the final weekend of the UK's Mardi Gras & Pride season, so please say hello to Chig's friends Miss Brenda Bendover and Shandy Doris, who will be putting me up tonight as I venture deep into the Home Counties for my first ever Reading Pride this afternoon. It's Reading's third annual pride event, but the first time they haven't scheduled it against Cardiff Mardi Gras, so the first chance I've had to go. In fact, apart from visiting a former schoolfriend in 1985 at the university and occasionally changing trains at the station, I've never been to Reading, so I'm looking forward to it.

I have a feeling that, with these two as my hosts - a job that they also do at The Wynford Arms - it's going to be a hoot! The stripper they have there tonight is quite interesting as well. Sexecute, pictured here, has a website that actually makes interesting reading (or you can just look at the pictures).

Saturday trivia:

At some point this afternoon, the England cricket team, the England rugby team and the England football team will all be playing at the same time. (Not against each other - that would be foolish.) I wonder when that last happened?

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