World of Chig   

I've got the key, ain't got the secret

(With apologies to the Urban Cookie Collective)

Sometimes, life gets a little surreal.

Three or four months ago, I came home from work one day and found a shiny new key lying on the hallway tiles. Using a process of elimination (ie. it wasn't mine), logic told me that someone had put this key through my letterbox. I presumed that someone must have intended to post the key through someone else's letterbox. I thought that perhaps there would be a knock at my door at some point, or a note, from someone asking me if I had received a key through my letterbox by mistake. Surely this error will come out in conversation with someone sooner or later? What else was I to do? Tour my neighbours and ask if they were expecting a key? No. I did nothing and I still have the key. It was just a bizarre one-off, obviously.

Until yesterday.

It's happened again!

What is this? Does someone think I collect keys? This is all getting a bit weird. If you can think of any reason why someone might be putting keys through my letterbox, please do tell. If it happens again it will freak me out.

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