World of Chig   


Unless you've been living on the moon, it can't have escaped your attention that the second Scissor Sisters album is released in the UK today. (If you're in the US, you have to wait another week, but then you did ignore their first album, so why should you get preferential treatment now?)

Mike has already done a track-by-track review of the single disc version here. My double disc version is in the post from Hong Kong or wherever it is that BangCD have their warehouse.

Scissor Sisters were all over Radio 1 on Friday, then all over Channel 4 on Saturday and Sunday. Their Red gig on Saturday night in Trafalgar Square looked awesome. So good that I watched it live on Saturday on C4 and then watched the repeat yesterday. (And it surely was live, as the technical breakdown during I Don't Feel Like Dancin' seemed to prove, where a nice picture of the Telecom Tower and some contact details appeared on screen before the signal died completely for a minute or so). I was so jealous I didn't win tickets in our intranet competition at work. (Our company was one of the sponsors.)

I was also impressed by Westminster City Council and the police for allowing not only the fountains to be on when Trafalgar Square was full of people, but people to dance in them as well. (Watch the clip - it's great!) It really added to the atmosphere on this last Saturday of Summer, but it's the kind of thing that you expect to be stamped on by Health & Safety fascists before it even gets started these days, so well done to whoever took that decision. I'm guessing no one died.

Anyway, the real point of this bit is to commiserate the release of the album by showing you (in case you missed it on Popjustice in July) how good the album sleeve could have been, were it not for Scissor Sisters' record company, Universal, cocking up what was originally a brilliant idea for a title.

Mr Popjustice of Popjustice has given Chig his personal permission to reproduce this album sleeve that he did, for which we are extremely grateful. Here's what we should have had today; a title that somes up the theatricality and dramatic flourish of Scissor Sisters perfectly:

Sadly, because record company graphics and marketing people are all seemingly idiots, this is what people are actually getting in the shops:

It has all the theatricality and excitement of a puddle.

We are not alone either. I was delighted to hear Simon Mayo start his Radio 2 album show this evening with a track from this, then say, "That's from the new Scissor Sisters album, Ta-dah, which is a great title, but it should really have an exclamation mark."

Exactly. Simon Mayo, Popjustice, World Of Chig... That's enough people to march on Universal and demand a correction, methinks. Who will join our revolution?

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