World of Chig   

No brainer

So, it's a straight choice for this week's Big Brother eviction; Sam (5 nominations) or Nikki (4)? Sadly, scum-of-the-earth Lisa has somehow escaped nomination, so the airwaves will remain blue for at least another ten days. I'm not sure my ears can stand it. Head witch Grace has also managed to cast her evil spell over the housemates, who don't yet seem to realise how much of a lying, manipulative bitch she really is.

Let's think then. Who shall we vote out? Princess Precious Poor Me, a dreadful, spoilt child who doesn't seem happy about anything at all, ever, and loves to whinge about it like a petulant child? Or Sam, basically a nice person who I feel we haven't really got to know yet and who appreciates how lucky they are to be on the show. Hmmm, tough one.

Nikki's face: funny, but we don't need to see any more of it.

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