World of Chig   

Daz Sampson speaks

You can hear the UK's Eurovision entrant Daz Sampson in a six minute interview here on (Click on the interview link to play it, or right-click to download as an MP3.) It was recorded yesterday, and my friend Chris gets straight in there and asks the question that's been bugging me about Teenage Life since the day the lyric was publicised. Namely, what the Dickens does 'signed down on Avy' mean? So now we know.

This seems like an appropriate time to mention something Daz-related. I never usually write about visitor numbers for this blog, because I suspect that you, dear reader would find it quite boring, but something remarkable has happened in the last week. I'll be brief.

Last Saturday, while I was in London for Making Your Mind Up, the people who run Daz Sampson's offical website added a very conspicuous link to World Of Chig, presumably because I had mentioned him. Saturday was the 4th. Just look what that link did to my visitor numbers:

Weekends are normally the quiet days here but, last Saturday, visitors more than doubled from any day earlier in the week, and page views hit 300 on one day, which is possibly more than any time outside of previous Eurovision weeks. (May is always the busiest month here. Visitor numbers have been averaging around 60-70 per day for the last few months, so this is exceptional.) I almost feel guilty. If anyone came here looking for goss or info on Daz, they'll have been very disappointed, but at least I've now guided them towards an audio interview. If you're here for the first, hello.

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