World of Chig   


Chig has just returned from seeing Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Wow! It's superb. I only ever read about a third of the first book, before giving up on the whole lot, so I have approached all four of these films as a virgin viewer. Apart from a few clips on TV, I knew very little about what happens in this one and so I could enjoy it without any expectations. It doesn't seem anywhere near the two and a half hours that it is. I never once wondered what the time was, so it must be good. And the dragon fight scene is fantastic!

Some observations:

It's fascinating watching Frances De La Tour as Hagrid's love interest, but how does the casting for these things work? "We need a French giantess. I know - the woman from Rising Damp!"

I would never take any under 10s to see this film (although there were plenty there this afternoon). Some of it is far too frightening, especially the amazing dragon scenes and Harry's fight with 'you know who'. Some of those kids won't be sleeping tonight and may even be scarred for life.

Doctor Who fans MUST see this film, for reasons I can't go into here. After watching the excellent 'linking scene' for Doctor Who on Children In Need last night, and this film today, there's something which I feel I've now seen twice in 24 hours. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, eh viewers?

I loved the little satire on the nature of tabloid journalism that's contained within the film. It's very well done.

It's probably very wrong... [Chig checks Oh, he's 20. Acceptable. Ish.]... but there's a bit of totty in this film too. Stanislav Ianevski (left) as Viktor Krum is the strong, silent type, who looks as sexy in a big Bulgarian coat and hat as he does in a vest.

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