World of Chig   

Note to self

When you get to meet the most famous man in Wales* and you only get one chance to have your photo taken, because he's about to disappear with his girlfriend, currently the most famous woman in Wales, try not to speak to the stranger who has kindly offered to take the picture, telling him which button to press, because he will probably press the shutter at that precise moment, you will look like you're pulling a funny face, Gavin Henson will turn around and follow Charlotte Church out of the media tent, and you will regret the look on your face in that photo for the rest of your life, but still feel a need to show everybody anyway.

*Apart from the Prince of Wales. Possibly. And Rhodri Morgan. And Tom Jones. And Aled Jones. And Kelly Jones from Stereophonics. And probably some other people called Jones. And Russell T. Davies.

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