World of Chig   


I thought it was about time I actually did something with the flickr photo account that I opened several months ago. Like put some photos in it. So I have. Just as a little test.

See that thing in the sidebar? You can hardly miss it - it's pulsing and throbbing! Ooh, technology! On here! Well, click on there and you will see half a dozen of Chig's photos from Bristol Mardi Gras two weeks ago. Please feel free to let Chig know what you think of them, either in the comments boxes on there or on here. Who knows, there may even be more photos to come. As I have taken thousands (literally) of photos that no one else has ever seen, it might be a good idea to actually use these online album thingies. If you have any requests of past events/places that you know I've been to (or if I've taken a photo of you, promised to e-mail it to you, and then ignored you), then please just drop a subtle hint.


Oh, and if I see any of these photos used anywhere else without my permission and a credit, there'll be trouble! So there.

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