World of Chig   


How does he do it? Paul, one of the contestants in Alan Sugar's S&M* gameshow The Apprentice is, officially, the most annoying person currently on TV. (Luckily for him, there's an election on, so he will be supplanted in that role by several politicians over the next four weeks.)

Chig has only watched three or four of the eight episodes so far, but has seen enough to realise that Paul is the kind of slimy little sneak that you would never ever want to be associated with at work or at school. To summarise, his idea of team work is to be a loudmouth bullshitter who forces his ideas on the team while they attempt their task each week. Then, when they fail the task and face Sir Alan for the dressing-down/post mortem, he washes his hands of the task and his colleagues, saying, "not my fault guv, it was the others, they wouldn't listen to me, none of the things that went wrong were anything to do with me, honest".

Amazingly, Teflon Paul is getting away with it, and he did again tonight. I suspect that Alan Sugar (and Auntie) are keeping him in there for pure entertainment value, and it's working. It makes me want to watch, just to see how annoying he's going to be this week. Sugar surely doesn't believe that this hothead serial denier could ever work for him? His judgement must be better than that, right?

Paul claimed, in an earlier programme, with all the brash confidence of the risen Christ himself, "I am a Roman Catholic; I cannot lie", which, apart from telling you that he is undoubtedly a big fibber, had Catholic Chig rolling on the floor in hysterics.

Keep him in for a laugh, by all means. But don't let him win by accident.

Paul has a website here. It's a bit rubbish. Mike has rounded up the other contestants' websites.

(Oh, and if Ben, who was ejected tonight, is looking for a position, I'm sure I could find one for him. Several, in fact.)

*Sales and marketing, you pervert.

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