World of Chig   

The announcement is here!

Once upon a time, there was a little blog called World Of Chig, which about 50 people per day currently visit. But they were mainly by mistake, brought here by Google's rubbish picture search which links to pictures which disappeared years ago. So really, it's about 6 or 7 visitors, and Chig knows them all and could probably list them here. But he'd probably miss out one person by mistake and then they'd get upset and say, 'Hey! I read you regularly too, you know?' And it would all get very messy. But I digress.

And then, about 10 days ago, Chig did receive an e-mail from the person behind his second favourite website in the world ever, namely Popjustice. And it did say, (and I paraphrase); 'You know that stuff you wrote on World of Chig last year about Eurovision? Well, I quite liked it. We're going to do an even more splendid Popjustice Eurovision site this year. Would you like to be part of it?'

And, after rousing himself with smelling salts, Chig did answer back in the affirmative. He spoke to Mr Popjustice and decided after two seconds that half a dozen visitors versus Popjustice's 8,000 - gulp!- per day was no contest. And so, it can be revealed (even before it's announced by the main Popjustice site, but I have permission, don't worry), that the new, improved Popjustice Eurovision site is here!

Chig and various other contributors have been secretly beavering away at it for a few days, so there is 'stuff' there already to read. We didn't want to announce an empty page, after all.

What this means for you, dear reader, is that most of Chig's Eurovision gubbins will be posted over at Popjustice this year, at least until I go to Kyiv. Then it's likely that World of Chig will be my Eurovision photo blog, while the news and gossip will continue to be on Popjustice. At least, that's the current thinking, but we'll make it up as we go along. Any Eurovision stuff which is too brief/personal/offensive/irrelevant for Popjustice will also be on here (and there's one coming up next in the shape of Chig's brief comments on the UK's contenders).

So, happy reading! There will still be non-Eurovision stuff here on World Of Chig, so don't go away, because I'm not. Not until Kyiv in May, at any rate.

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