World of Chig   


Anyway, enough about me - what do you want to know about me?

Your help is needed!

One of the perils of being ill for a week is that you think too much. One of the things that's been on Chig's mind is that this here blog has never had a proper introduction to Chig himself. It's only recently that he even bothered to fill in his Blogger profile page, which you're welcome to peruse here. (You'll have to ask Blogger why the 'recent posts' list includes nothing after 3rd November.)

Although that page will probably tell you more than you ever wanted to know about Chig himself, it's not quite what I had in mind. What we need is a good old 'you ask, I answer' interview/questionnaire-type thing. Like Mike did here and again here. Or like someone else did here. (Hey, I never claimed to be original, and why search far and wide for inspiration when it's already close at hand?) However, I'd like some originality with the actual questions. So, that's it really. Ask me questions, as many as you like. Serious ones, trivial ones. Provocative ones, easy ones. The whole range. Whatever you've always wanted to know, fire away! My side of the bargain is that I promise to answer ALL questions submitted. (I never said 'honestly' or 'at length' though.) You can send them in via the comments box, or via the 'contact me' e-mail link (top left). If no one asks any questions, I'll probably just make them up, but I'll probably submit them under another name to make myself appear more popular. I've been signed off work until Monday and now have the energy to type, so feel free to start now. I thank you.

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