World of Chig   


[18:45] Chig has been having a blog-free Chr*stm*s and a Chr*stm*s-free blog, while letting normal life intrude (which has been an emotional rollercoaster in itself). Chig has also been busy being a Chr*stm*s curmudgeon, which gets easier every year.

Tonight, however, is Chig's favourite night of the season - all the partying and none of the religious bits to spoil it. A quick drink tonight in one Moseley flat with some friends, then a dash across to Edgbaston for a bigger party in a bigger flat - the same venue as last year, as it was so good. Normal, irregular service will be resumed on here whenever I can be bothered. I'm not normally one for New Year resolutions, but I have vowed one thing; to stop promising on here that things will materialise at some point in the future. Because they rarely do. I have read back some of my postings, and, quite frankly, I'm embarrassed by the number of false promises I've made in the past. No more. And that's a promise.

In the meantime, may all your New Year's Eve parties be as fun as they can possibly be against the backdrop of the suffering that's going on in Asia at the moment. (I'm trying not to sound too trite here - there's suffering going on all over the place, all year, every year. It's just that the tsunami catastrophe is so vast, so upsetting and so all over the newspapers that it's right at the forefront of our thoughts, as we join those poor people who have already seen in 2005 as I write this, with no cause for celebration or optimism.)

Hmmm, that was a jolly New Year message, wasn't it? I think I'd better stop there. Happy New Year to all my friends and readers. xxx Chig.

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