World of Chig   

So Mr Chig, what are you up to, you lazy arse?

It's a sunny Saturday lunchtime, so what better time to sit indoors in one's dressing gown, watching Corrie, writing a rambling entry on here because I haven't done so for ages?

Life has been absolute hell for the last ten days or so. No, let me correct that. WORK has been absolute hell. Other aspects have been great. I don't want to be at work any more. The realisation has dawned that some of the people I work with are absolute shits and I don't want to speak to them. There's a story behind this which I shall explain in full when I leave.

I'm supposed to be purchasing both a new PC (which is almost happening now) and a new car (as my car died a month ago, leaving me compelled to discover the joys of the Midland Metro and getting up at 5.20am when I'm on early shift). I have also been hooked on both Hell's Kitchen and Big Brother, which, last night and last Friday night, gave us two of the best reasons for never, ever going out on Friday nights again. Kitten's interview showed why Davina is a true TV goddess, asking ALL the questions we wanted her to ask. Last night's revelation of the bedsit to dimbo Emma and chicken-fancier Michelle was pure TV delight. I taped it and will actually watch it again - it was that good.

Today at last, the excitement of Euro 2004 starts. I've organised the work sweepstake and drawn Sweden, which is ideal as I've been in text and phone contact since Turkey with a very nice Swedish man who I met there (on my last night!) I will be missing the opening ceremony today though, as I have a date. Yes, on a Saturday afternoon. Best go and scrub up...

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