World of Chig   

Questions & Answers

There’s a little thing that is going around blogland called The Interview Game, and this is how it’s played:

The Rules
1. You leave a comment on a participating blog, saying you want to be interviewed.
2. They respond by asking you five questions.
3. You update your website with their five questions, and your own answers to those questions, as below.
4. You include this explanation.
5. You ask other people five questions when they request an interview.

Chig has shamelessly asked not one, but two people to submit their questions, and they duly have. One of them is Mike, who I’ve known for 15 years, and the other is Zbornak, who I hadn’t heard of until yesterday, but have already decided I like a lot (hence the addition of his blog to my sidebar). The concept was to see if there was a contrast between questions from a good friend and a total stranger who may or may not look like Steve Wilson. You can make up your own minds on that, but they were damn good questions, which I have now ruined by writing answers which are, for the most part, too long. And rubbish. Still, it’s provided me with some intellectual stimulation, and that’s no bad thing. Feel free to request an interview and I’ll have to put on my thinking head again. Here are the questions, with my answers.

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