World of Chig   

Tania out! Tania out!

Get the silly, selfish piggy out of the house! Ooh, she thinks she's such a special princess, doesn't she? She really thinks she deserves to be treated with kid gloves and have everybody put up with her moods. She seems to have missed the point of the game too - witness her ridiculous 'can you nominate for me, Big Brother?' episode in the diary room. She loves the sound of her own voice far too much, and doesn't listen to other people. And if you doubted how stupid she is, did you notice that when the three people up for eviction were announced yesterday (or tonight on C4), IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER, she was too dim to realise after Nush and Steph were announced, that hers was the only name left. Perhaps she thought Scott's name would come AFTER hers. Daft cow. But if I was in the Big Brother house, I would have come to blows with Tania long before now. Not only does she smoke in the house, which is bad enough at any time, but inexcusable when the weather has been so good for the whole run so far, but she smokes in the f***ing bedroom. Un-bloody- believable. I would have stubbed the ciggies out on her eyeballs by now, the selfish cow. I've lost count of the number of times she's threatened to walk out. JUST DO IT - NOW! NO ONE CARES!

[Deep breath...] Talking of the lovely Scott, it's a shame in a way that Cameron was still allowed to nominate this week from South Africa. If Cameron's votes hadn't been included, we would have had everyone in the house up for the public vort (sic) this week, except for Scotty himself. Imagine how excited the cute little puppy would have been, knowing that he was the most popular in the house! But perhaps it's better that he doesn't know, and he can go on being his lovely self. It was so cute when he thought Cameron was in the reward room, unable to speak, and Scott offered him encouragement through the wall, when in reality Mr Fishy was somewhere up in the sky at that moment. Bless.

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