World of Chig   

Got the tickets from some top notch bloke in Swindon town...

Oh. My. God. There was I, thinking that I was about to have a quiet weekend in, glowing green with envy while watching the TV coverage of a certain music festival, when the moby rings at 18.20 this evening. One of my friends - let's call him Musicbizboy (for that is what he is) - says "What are you doing this weekend?". "Er, nothing," says I, "why?". I'm thinking he wants to come and visit. "Do you want to go to Glastonbury? I've got two spare tickets." I'm already excited, and then he reveals they're freebies.

Nice one, geezer

I'm in heaven! I was so disappointed that we didn't realise when the tickets went on sale, so we missed out. I've already been experiencing Glasto envy every time it's been mentioned on the radio, especially this morning when they opened the gates to the site. And now....I'm going!

It's okay, 'cos we're all sorted out...

I have hurriedly booked Friday and Monday off work, and so in 48 hours I will be standing somewhere, somewhere in a field in Hampshire Somerset (in the predicted thunderstorm), watching REM et al. Hurrah!

Then you come down...

Tonight though, I have called seven people who I thought might want the other ticket, and not one of them can go. So, do you know anyone who wants to go? If you can e-mail me before noon tomorrow (Thursday), and can meet me somewhere on the M5 on Friday afternoon, you can possibly have the other ticket. (I'm saying possibly, because Musicbizboy is also asking around, so he may give it away first.) E-mail me via the 'contact me' link on the left,or phone my mobile if you know it. First come, first served...

What if you never come down?

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