World of Chig   

Chig's Eurovision 2003 Preview

About bloomin' time, I hear you cry! At last, a day off work and the knowledge that I'll be seeing (and voting on) all these videos in London's Retro bar tonight with hoardes of screaming poufs, has finally kicked me into finishing my comments. Enjoy! And please feel free to add your own thoughts. The Retro bar crowd tonight will include Luca, Marcus and Mike in a Eurotastic blogmeet frenzy. I have given instructions that we are all to conform to national Eurovision stereotype, as follows:

Marcus, you must have a pre-show all on your own - ideally this will last several weeks, but you'll just have to make it last a few hours now. It must be full of spectacle, and very funny, but this year lacking in any interesting content.

Luca, I expect you to have a great time, possibly win the raffle, and then tell us at the end that you think it's all very silly, and you're not going to join in for the next ten years.

Mike will pretend to be much better than he really is, will boss everybody else around, and tell them how he could have organised it much better but 'the others' just don't appreciate his efforts.

I will assume my one quarter Irishness for the night and just *know* that I'm going to win, because I've made so much more effort than the rest of you.

Hasta la vista! I can't wait! Train to catch....

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