World of Chig   


The 1986 Acorn Incident

Now then, I promised an amusing anecdote, tenuously linked to Red Nose Day, by virtue of it being about one of the other acts who’ve hit number one with Spirit In The Sky, so here it is. Let’s all cast our minds back to the Summer of 1986. Chig was in his second year at a Midlands university. (Correction: his first second year.) Exams were looming at the end of the academic year, which Chig knew he was bound to fail. Not having done any coursework had a lot to do with it. Being in the drama society, DJing in the Guild of Students, writing for the student newspaper and being involved in student union politics also had a slight effect. But Chig knew that at least, when he left, he wouldn’t have to make up these things on his CV, as so many of his peers would do later. (Ooh, miaow! Not bitter about having a crap job are we, Mr Chig?)

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