World of Chig   


We've made the list!

England 5, Wales 1. (Scotland 0, Northern Ireland 0.)

I wasn't sure that we would, but Birmingham has made the shortlist, just announced, of six UK cities bidding to be European Capital of Culture in 2008. (They've thinned it down from 12.) Of course, I'm using 'we' in the spirit of shamelessly tagging along with anything positive and successful in my home city. If we'd failed to make the shortlist, I would have said 'they' and claimed that the people putting the bid together were useless. I'm fickle like that.

We are now officially a 'Centre of Culture'. So it's a shame, with all the improvements that have happened in Brum over the last decade, that the BBC has chosen to illustrate the story with a picture of that icon of 1970s tackiness, the Rotunda. Ho hum.

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