World of Chig   


Friends Reinstated

Isn't it nice when you get an unexpected message that cheers you up for the rest of the day? Yesterday I had a surprise e-mail from a friend in London who had been in danger of becoming a 'long lost' friend. You know the situation; you work together, you go clubbing together, he goes out with one of your best friends, they split up (amicably), they both move to London separately. You go and stay with him once or twice and then the contact just dwindles, not for any reason at all except that you're rarely in the same city and you don't have the same mutual friends any more. You stay with his ex a few times, but it’s not because you’ve made a decision to favour her over him, it’s just ‘circumstances’ and she was a good friend before they ever went out with each other anyway, etc. etc. Then it gets to the point where you haven't spoken for so long (over a year now) that you think it's embarrassing to make a phone call out of the blue just to say hello. You don't even call him when you go down to London because then it looks like you only want to see him when you need a place to stay, which isn't true at all. Then you intend to call him on his birthday, in June, as an excuse for a chat, but you don’t do it, and he isn’t even on your Christmas card list because you don’t send Christmas cards anymore. And suddenly, before you know it, you have Officially Lost Touch, with a friend who you always liked a lot and with whom you never wanted to lose touch.

And now? He’s having a party next month and he sent a really sweet e-mail to invite me down. I was so happy last night, I was beaming, and all because of one little e-mail. Isn’t life wonderful?

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