World of Chig   


Greetings, Arsenal and PJ

I'd like to say hello to some new visitors to my comment boxes from the last few days. Real visitors, not the people who visit by mistake for one second, after a google search. Hello then to Jonathan, Rob and Arseblogger, whatever your name is. Yikes! At least two of those three are Arsenal fans. What AM I doing? Guess that's two more people who've been phoning to evict PJ this week. Kate hasn't been wearing that Dennis Bergkamp t-shirt for nothing, you know. Carry on boys; PJ may be from my beloved (adopted) home city, but he plays for the wrong team. No, no, not like that! Like this. (Pride of the Midlands? My arse!) To say nothing of PJ's dubiously unreconstructed views, which I think he is trying to keep suppressed. The whistles about Alex were a clue, but the fact that NO ONE in the house told him Adele was bisexual until she'd gone speaks volumes about how trusted he is. Be off with you and your suspected homophobia! Go and have your two minutes of fame posing around the bars of Broad Street next week, when Dermot's finished with you. Oh, you know you will....

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