World of Chig   


Another evening disappears...

[21.50] I had plans for this evening, I really did. I was going to write stuff. Funny stuff. Sexy stuff. Possibly. Maybe even answer a few e-mails. And what do I do instead? I start reading other people's blogs. Nothing new there, but the group of blogs which I'm now checking, and reading their new stuff in entirety, has expanded to five or six. As if that wasn't bad enough, I eventually get around to reading the Naked Blog, which so many others have linked to and recommended, and then.....oh and then it's an hour and a half later, and I realise I am completely hooked. Could people just stop writing stuff that's so bloody interesting? Please?

And now it's time for BB, Graham, and the utterly, utterly unmissable 6 Feet Under. Funny stuff will have to wait. Need cup of tea.

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