World of Chig   


Mediterranean media whores

Those lovely Cypriot boys are way out in front when it comes to the World Of Chig Eurovision Award for 'media whores of the contest'.

Firstly, they have toured half of Europe before the contest to appear on foreign TV programmes (and Wood Green shopping centre, don't forget!)

This morning, they had unbelievable coverage on Estonian TV's morning chat show (which is completely Eurovision dominated this week). I watched it in my hotel room - it was pretty good to wake up to! First they mimed to the song and danced around the studio. Then they were interviewed in English, with an amazing woman doing simultaneous translation into Estonian. And I mean SIMULTANEOUS. She stood next to them and spoke the Estonian WHILE they spoke the English. You had to decide which one to tune your ears to...

When they were asked what they liked about Estonia, Constantinos remembered THIS TIME to say "There are lots of pretty Estonian girls"
When they were asked this question in their conference yesterday, they forgot to mention the girls, until someone asked them specifically. Can't think for a moment why such heterosexual thoughts weren't at the forefront of their minds. Ahem. I nearly choked laughing.

As if that wasn't enough, the programme ended by showing One's video for Gimme. The new, better one, not the film of the stage performance. Watch Estonia's vote for Cyprus on Saturday - could be interesting!

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