World of Chig   


I'm going slightly mad....


What day is it? Where am I? Why am I awake? AM I awake?

I think I've been kidnapped by ex-KGB and subjected to some bizarre sleep deprivation and food deprivation experiment. Food and sleep are really hard to come by. There is NO vegetarian food in the Suurhall, so I sometimes forget to eat, like yesterday. This makes it essential to attend as many countries' parties as possible and scoff the free buffet. Thankfully, due to party leader Kabir's consumate 'party leaving skills, we managed this with clinical precision last night. Even if I did cock up (albeit intentionally) at the start. I stayed in the Suurhall too late yesterday, but I just HAD to go back to the hotel and shower before the UK/French party, as I felt disgusting. I also 'had' to change into my Union Jack shirt (as previously modelled at G-A-Y - see photos below.) I know it looks like a tent, but if you can't wear it at your own country's party, when can you wear it?

Oooh, more later.......Bosnian conference, photos....

Best media conference so far. Finland just now, more later.

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