World of Chig   


Quote of the night:

“I don’t particularly want to comment on something which I know nothing about.” Baroness Young, after being asked what she thinks of gay animal behaviour on tonight’s (admittedly slightly bizarre) ‘The Truth About Gay Animals’. It’s a shame the evil, hypocritical bitch didn’t practice the same restraint when she was busy messing up kids’ lives with her campaign to keep Section 28. I hate her more than words can possibly express.

Unfortunately for her, the realities of life challenge her narrow-minded viewpoint, so having Scott Capurro in her office, showing her a video of animals, including buffalo, seagulls and monkeys, having lesbian and gay sex, she did what all people do when their argument has been overturned: she ended the interview.

She’s clearly a woman who can’t face being challenged by reality, as she revealed in her comments to Capurro, before she ungraciously wriggled out of the interview; “I am simply revolted by this idea with the animals. I mean lots of children have animals. This is simply not for me.” That’s fair enough of course, just as your revolting, Tory, Christian values are not for me, you evil old harridan, but do I campaign for schoolchildren to be taught that you don’t exist? No. Please just fuck off and die.

Next week: ‘The truth about gay sex’. Channel 4 wanted to interview ME for the programme, but my response was unfortunately the same as Baroness Young’s first quote above.

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