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Eurovision - this year's videos reviewed

Chig's thoughts on the videos, after seeing them on TRT (Turkish television) on Thursday. You don't want to read about them in performance order, do you now? So I've divided them into three categories:

Songs which seem better, having seen the videos:

UK - Nothing spectacular, but nice. Warm, autumnal colours and a look which, crucially, suits the mood of the song. We really NEED this video to make an impression to bump up our vote, and I think it should work to some extent.

Austria - The video version seems to have a new middle eight. The danger with this song is that because it IS so similar to Free's Alright Now, many people will already feel familiar with the song, and will get to like it very quickly. It's a lot better than I was prepared to admit on audio only. But if people just decide it's a rip-off, they won't vote for it. Can you see I'm hedging my bets?

Spain - I wonder how many people will see the clips of the fat woman which are included in this otherwise live performance, and not realise that it's the same Rosa?! I was shocked, and I knew about her weight loss! It's astounding how much she has changed. As for her performance, well, the exuberance with which she sings this makes it seem more than the sum of its parts. I was previously thinking that Spain would probably end up being the most disappointed nation on 25 May, but now I'm not so sure. Let's not forget 1990, when all it took to turn a crap song into a winner was the notion of European togetherness. Can it work again? The millions of people who see this clip but have never heard of Operacion Triunfo will be completely bemused by the reception she gets during and after the song!

Estonia - She looks damn good, it sounds damn good. My word, it IS good. With home advantage, should do really well.

Israel (Sorry!) In terms of production values, this is probably the best video of the lot, but I can quite understand why some people hate it, as it's so sickly and hypocritical. However, it has a concept, and some money has been spent. Sarit also looks beautiful (to my untrained eyes!) If the ESC was being held tonight, Israel would struggle to get any points, but who knows what the political situation will be in six weeks' time? The big question is, will she cope if people start booing?

Finland - I wasn't as keen on this as other people were, but I have seen the light now. It comes alive when you see it, and seems a much stronger song, even though the video isn't really that good. A dead cert to get the lesbian vote too(!)

Denmark - As above, only more so (but less of the lesbian bit!) Seeing the video was the first time I'd heard this in English, and it seems ten times better already. The video concept is brilliant, although they could do with losing about three seconds at the end, to make it less cheesy, but you want to watch this all the way through to see what happens. Superb. You go girl! I'd like to take up golf now.

Malta (and I liked it loads already) A disturbing documentary film, in which Ira Losco is followed around by a stalker. She doesn't call the police though, so perhaps he is a private detective. Whatever he is, he's very attractive. Thankfully, this was one of my favourite three songs anyway, and now it's been beefed up to sound even better. It has the obligatory key change, and it's also a superb video. If only it had a happy ending.

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