World of Chig   


The end of an era

I've hardly spent a moment in the house all weekend, as it's been an unusual one. Have been helping three friends move out of the house up the road known fondly as 'number 48'. All three going into different houses, within three miles of each other; all living on their own for the first time. As such, it's been quite sad, not to mention a bit knackering. I've been putting my car to good use for the Gregster, while the others had a van and two other cars to help out. Number 48 stands empty tonight for the first time. It's been the scene of some of the best house parties ever over the past three years or so, including many themed, fancy dress events, and two wonderful New Year's Eves. Not only that, but it's been home to six of the best people I could hope to call friends, who I must owe dozens of meals to, and a fair few spliffs!! It's been my 'refuge up the road' when I've wanted to get out the house, but, looking on the bright side, I now have THREE new places to go to, within five minutes of my own place.

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