World of Chig   


A Song For Europe: Lovestruck Cock-up?
(10:30 Fri 01/02/02)

Something strange happened when Radio 2 played the UK songs this morning. When they played 'Lovestruck' at the start, it was the same version that was played earlier in the week. However, when they played the reprise (brief clips of all eight songs), the mix of Lovestruck was substantially different. It was faster, with a more dancey beat to it, rather than the slightly juddery, R'n'B rhythm of the first version.

Did someone at Radio 2 get their tapes muddled up? I've played my tape again to be sure of this, and there's no doubt the versions are different. I don't suppose the brief reprise clip will have any influence on the vote, but it's a shame, because the second, remixed version sounded much better. If it doesn't get through today, Honey Trap might regret their choice of mix. (Or they might be annoyed at Radio 2 for playing the wrong version!)

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