World of Chig   


Pop Idol - 3 become 2

Didn't need to watch the video of the Pop Idol result when I slithered in at 4am. The DJ at Missing (bar) had kindly announced the result to the assembled throng, whether or not we wanted to hear it. He did his best to wind us up though, by declaring something along the lines of "I have the result of tonight's Pop Idol and Gareth......[long pause for dramatic effect] safe." Then he confused us totally by saying that the result "wasn't what the papers have been saying this week", at which point J (see drunken blog below) and I felt gutted that Will was out. But no, ha ha! It was Darius after all! Very funny joke. Or did I miss something in the papers? Was anyone REALLY saying that Darius and Gareth would be left?

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